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Courage to begin again

In 2012 I left a job I loved to pursue my crazy dream of starting a business to help people and organisations realise, chase and achieve their dreams. Driven by my passion & belief, my mission was simple; to bridge the gap between where people are to where they dream of being. My method was not. The result? I fell flat on my face. Splat!

If I could wind back the clock to 2012 would I do the same thing again? Yes! Why? Because although defeat is painful & has a very bitter taste it was necessary. It allowed me to learn an important lesson which enables me to better help my clients. I learnt how to begin again.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a stranger to failure or defeat. But this time the fall was far higher & harder than I had experienced before. It is difficult to bounce back from a high & hard fall. But it is possible. It takes time to put yourself together again. To pick up the pieces. To nurse the wounds. You can’t rush the recovery. But just when you think all hope is dead & gone. You see a single green shoot that brings life back to your dream which once looked & felt lifeless - hope remains.

My Gramma was a real green fingers. She could bring any plant back to thriving life. I do not possess her gift. Recently I bought a close friend a potted rose bush. It was beautiful with deep red roses. Before I managed to give this pretty gift to my friend, I managed to kill it! No matter how much she loved me I decided she wouldn’t appreciate a dry heap of twigs as a gift so I left it dumped in our garden & forgot about it. Weeks and weeks later, it started to sprout back into life. What looked like it was completely dead, wasn’t dead at all. Life still remained & now it thrives. Can I see beautiful deep red roses on it yet? No! But hope remains, it’s not going in the bin just yet! So whatever your fall. Regardless of how high or how hard. It doesn’t matter where, when or how - go again. Don’t give up. Rest a while. Take time to recover & heal but go again. Begin again.

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